What does “normal” mean anyways?…
I don’t know about you, but I don’t allow others to define what normal is for me.
Everywhere we turn, we’re being force-fed the slogan “new normal” as if they are trying to make us believe that things will never be the way they used to be.
Well, I have news for you, it can be the way it was. We, the people, just need a change in mindset.
When this panic-demic began, I saw people – without government intervention – err on the side of caution and cancel outings and crowded events. When LEFT ALONE, the majority of people do the right thing. Now we have a bunch of lazy-minded cowards begging the government to save us from the flu. *Eye-roll*
I went to a clinic that mandated masks. Even people who arrived in masks were forced to take their mask off and they were given a new one at the door before they were allowed to enter. I watched the nurse accidentally hand a man 2 masks. He didn’t realize right away until they got tangled and he handed the extra mask back to the nurse… a mask that he touched. What did she do with that mask, you ask? Well, she put the mask back on the pile for the next person to take! Who knows where that man’s hands were before he touched the side of the mask that would go directly onto the next person’s face. There are so many errors with this FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY.
How about WASH your hands, stay home if you’re sick, and stop judging people who are HEALTHY and CHOOSE NOT TO WEAR SOMETHING THAT HAS NO EXTENSIVE STUDIES TO PROVE ITS EFFICACY.
It reminds me of a comment I saw today; “Asking people to wear a (non-N95) mask for their protection is like saying a barbwire fence can keep out mosquitoes.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.
The media is scaring us into thinking that every other person is dying, when in fact, this is similar death rates as the flu. Put it this way, even if you do get sick, you won’t likely die, ok?!
We can and will return to normal if we stop allowing the media and the lazy-minded minority to shame us and brainwash us into thinking the world has changed. Let’s get BACK TO NORMAL!
We’re not sheep, and we don’t need a muzzle!
Your mind is yours to control.
My mind is mine to control.