QOTD: Deathbed Thoughts?

Ever think about life and the hills and valleys we experience?

I was thinking about all the frustrating, the embarrasing, the terrifying, the shameful and the annoying today. Then immediately I was able to put it all into perspective with one quick question: Will I care about this on my deathbed? (If God wills this manner of passage).

I’m sure I won’t care about the person who gave me a disapproving finger wag as I drove through a red light that was taking too long…

Pretty sure I won’t care about the old lady who chased me through the entire grocery store because I wasn’t wearing a mask…

I won’t care about my “friend” who is so disrespectful that she takes days to answer a text – if she answers at all…

And I won’t care about my “god-daughter” who inherited the same ghetto traits of her mother: those of disrespect, lack of honour and ambition…

I definitely won’t care about the fitness instructor who thinks he heard me gossiping, and misunderstood – because he should have been minding his own business…

Guarantee I won’t care about the city councilman that was touched that I called out the hypocrisy of the lockdowns and vaccines – or the smug, fluffy councilwoman who shot me with disapproving stares…

The girl who got offended because I made a joke that maybe her stomach hurts because ‘maybe there’s a bun in the oven’ – nope – won’t care about her either…

I promise you that I won’t care about the sociopath that stole a year of my life or the other sociopath who stole the prime years of my youth…

There is no way I will care about all the people who made assumptions about me before even speaking with me…

Perfectly careless about the job interview that had the stupidest questions I’ve ever been asked in my life…

I could go on for days.

I will care about my family and the times we spent together. I will care about loved ones. I will care about what matters – and it certainly won’t be the opinions of others.

Your turn.

Take an inventory. Write it out. And release it. And in moments you are feeling bad, ask yourself, “Will I care about this on my deathbed?”

Your mind is yours to control