Take a close look at the following 2 photos and tell me if you can spot the similarities.

What similarity do you see?
First you have to know what each picture depicts.
The top photo is Nurse Rivers of the Tuskegee syphillis experiment. If you don’t know about it, please see my previous post here.

The bottom photo is of Mayor Bowser, who was part of a Fauci documentary. The objective was to go into poor, black neighbourhoods to convince more black people to take the covid jab.
THE SIMILARITY IS that BOTH were experiments. With BOTH experiments, it targeted the black population. Both experiments acknowledged the hesitance that the black community had (still has) with the public healthcare system. So, what did they do? They put a black woman as the face of the propoganda.
Well, it must be safe and effective since a negro is endorsing it, right?
This guy didn’t fall for it! Praise God for that! The highest rate of unvaccinated are black people. No wonder, heh?

Here’s the video of the above photo! Enjoy!