Category: Question of the Day
QOTD: High On Danielle AND Donald?
Is it just me, or all the liberty-loving conservatives of Alberta breathing a sigh of relief at the 91.5% APPROVAL vote of Premiere Danielle Smith?! There was such an amazing energy in Red Deer over…
Freedom Friends – Nice to See You
Just a quick nod to my freedom friends. It was so great to see so many of you this past weekend in Red Deer. I don’t miss being in 30 below and marching week after…
Can you name 3 of your municipal leaders? First AND last name? Many people can’t. Our cities are being hi-jacked. Today’s vote in Calgary shone a light on 3 people who must be VOTED OUT-…
I have decided to close the online shop, as I do well with local sales. As you can see from my posting history, I am way too busy to have this extra accountability. You can…
QOTD: 2024… Already?
Where did 2023 go? I was cleaning out a bag that has been putting around the trunk of my car for a couple years- and what a difference those couple years have made. I am…
QOTD: Meme of the Day
Are the young people in Canada coming to their senses? Polls say that they are…
QOTD: Deathbed Thoughts?
Ever think about life and the hills and valleys we experience? I was thinking about all the frustrating, the embarrasing, the terrifying, the shameful and the annoying today. Then immediately I was able to put…
QOTD: Immigrant / Immig-ungrateful?
Have you ever heard an immigrant boast so hard about their country that it makes you wonder why they left it? I’m not trying to be racist. Can black people even be racist… Anyways, You…
UCP AGM 2023
Fortis et Liber Best money I’ve ever spent on any 2 day convention (AGM). Even as a quiet introvert, I met and spoke with a lot of people. We had, at times, quick bursts of…