Mine to Control: Intro

You must be wondering what the title of my blog means. Well, after years of debates and arguments with friends, family, and Joe Schmoe from the corner store, I realized that most people are more…

QOTD: High On Danielle AND Donald?

Is it just me, or all the liberty-loving conservatives of Alberta breathing a sigh of relief at the 91.5% APPROVAL vote of Premiere Danielle Smith?! There was such an amazing energy in Red Deer over…


Can you name 3 of your municipal leaders? First AND last name? Many people can’t. Our cities are being hi-jacked. Today’s vote in Calgary shone a light on 3 people who must be VOTED OUT-…


I have decided to close the online shop, as I do well with local sales. As you can see from my posting history, I am way too busy to have this extra accountability. You can…

QOTD: 2024… Already?

Where did 2023 go? I was cleaning out a bag that has been putting around the trunk of my car for a couple years- and what a difference those couple years have made. I am…

QOTD: Deathbed Thoughts?

Ever think about life and the hills and valleys we experience? I was thinking about all the frustrating, the embarrasing, the terrifying, the shameful and the annoying today. Then immediately I was able to put…

UCP AGM 2023

Fortis et Liber Best money I’ve ever spent on any 2 day convention (AGM). Even as a quiet introvert, I met and spoke with a lot of people. We had, at times, quick bursts of…